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We believe that children are not just the Church of tomorrow, they are the Church of today because they share one Baptism with us. We work hard to ensure we incorporate and disciple the youngest among us so that as they grow, they also grow closer to Jesus. 


We provide a staffed nursery for children 6 months - 3 years of age at both of our morning services. Parents are also welcome to keep their children with them during Mass. We offer Christian Education at 9:15 am for children of all ages where they encounter key stories in the Bible and also learn more about the unique practices and rituals that make us Episcopalian. During our 10:30 am service, children ages 4-8 are also given the opportunity to go to Children’s Church. Once children turn 10, they are encouraged to serve in the liturgy as acolytes by processing with the cross and torches and assisting the priest in preparing for the Eucharist.  


The Youth of St. David’s (Middle and High School) meet bi-monthly for prayer, fellowship, teaching, and games. Our Youth are encouraged to serve throughout the life of the parish. In addition to specific service projects, many will help in Children’s Church, in the Nursery, and at Vacation Bible School. Our youth also go on a mission trip each July to a different part of the country. 

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