We believe that we best witness to our faith through embodied love for our neighbors.
Just as Jesus first loved us by taking on flesh, drawing near to us in friendship and bearing our burdens upon the Cross, so we best love others by walking alongside them in friendship, bearing their burdens and lifting them up to Christ in prayer.
St. David’s partners with ministries that help us do just that for the least and the lost in the city of Denton and beyond.

In Our City
St. David's partners with The WAY Alliance - a local ministry that supports youth ages 14-24 transitioning from foster care to independence by connecting them with supportive, trained adult mentors, locating critical resources and developing the vital skills necessary to live successful lives. We hold regular information meetings for those who want to get involved.
Every Sunday afternoon since 2013, St. David's Snack Pack Ministry has distributed food and other vital supplies to the homeless population of Denton.
To the Ends of the Earth
St. David's also supports The Kellerman Foundation by helping to fund critically needed nurses in rural Uganda, and occasionally sending missionaries to aid their work.